20 years in 2 minutes


What would you include if that next job asked you for a current showreel? Your latest ID? The latest weekend promo? Or something to show the range of what you’ve done and what you can do?

The longer you’ve been doing this job, the harder it is to choose what to include. Do you include the beatmatched promo that at the time took you a day to lovingly craft? Or that clever promo featuring that cool artist? 

I’ve been doing this job, or similar ones for about 20 years now.

I started making promos on 1/4″ tape, throwing in drops from NAB carts and then adding a VO to live mix.

Then I moved on to the SaDIE Digital editor.

Then Protools.

Now, 20 years of ideas distilled into 2 minutes is an impossibility – but I thought I’d gather a montage of a few of my favourite bits from those 20 years. There’s a jingle featuring Craig David on vocals, a remixed retro jingle from Capital FM featuring Kenny Everett, and bits from JACK fm and SAM fm and BRMB and Red Dragon FM and even an ID from Mercury FM (with the weird “power of radioactivity” strapline..) But there’s so many more things that didn’t make it – maybe one day..

What would you choose from your career so far?

How broad a range of styles and ideas have you tried?

What new things could you try?

Next week, I’m off to The Imaging Days to meet other producers and hear new ideas. Make sure you follow the action on the RadioToday live blog – and online on twitter @theimagingdays #imagingdays2015

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